Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Great Gen Con 2014 Haul (Or How I Managed To Not Spend A Ton On Minis For Once)

So this is my haul for this year. Kind of proud of myself as I didn't go completely nuts and purchased every shiny thing I wanted (as there was a lot).

This year's haul mainly consists of the various dog miniatures from Dark Sword (there are a few missing, but I got the main ones I wanted) and various "classic" models from Iron Wind/Partha. Last year I spent $75 at Partha, but this year that honor went to Dark Sword. Still, I did managed to wrack up a healthy $25 at Iron Wind and got some really cool monsters, player characters, and scantily clad women.

Things I did not get this year that I wish I could have:
  • Arcadia Quest - Isn't out for retail sale just yet. Holy crap it looks cooler than Super Dungeon Explore.
  • Various others - Vendors like Center Stage were missing from the show this year. But, I do intend on purchasing some of their items online over the coming months.
<rant> I wanted to buy from many other miniature vendors at the show, however I ran into a major problem... integrated demo tables in the sales space. I understand you need to do demos  to get the fans excited (although how watching a boardgame, roleplaying or miniature game demo is exciting is beyond me...maybe it's like watching football or something), but if I can't get to your stock, I can't buy anything. I won't name any names, but this was EVERYWHERE in there this year. So please, seperate areas for sales and demos next year? Just have one side tables...the other stuff to buy. I realize you all have limited booth space (and did you need to have a 4x6 table in there in the first place), but again...if the consumer can't get to it, they can't buy it. </rant>

Saw a lot of interesting products this year...Star Wars "Descent", Star Wars Armada, Dark Heresy II, Wrath of Kings (although I didn't see any models for sale and it was the second item on my list of stuff to get), and Arcadia Quest (yes, I mentioned it looked really cool).

CMoN had some fantastic dioramas set up for their products. Other miniature exhibitors really need to take note on CMoN's presentation...if you have a game, just having a collection of models on display isn't enough. A really well done diorama can get the feel and mood of a game across better than someone trying to explain it. There was a reason GW used to do those in the back of every WD issue. 

So to wrap up my rambling... lot of cool stuff which I couldn't get to and therefore could not buy.

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