Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sir Beef Cubesteak

In Progress shot of the week. 

Had a terrible week of painting starts and stops...I think I ended up throwing two or three in the Simple Green and a few in the Pinesol (I use SG for plastics, Pinesol for metal). Incredible frustrating to say the least. Still, those kind of weeks occur and you just have to suck it up and drive on.

Luckily, Sir Beef here managed to avoid "the Dip". I can't remember the name of the model, but I know it says he's a Ranger. Still, I'm going to use him as a Fighter, but I might add some woodland themed freehand to his tunic or cloak to maybe hint he's a fella that likes to hang out in the wilderness.

I have opted for the color scheme used by GW on the LotR Warriors of Rohan (and I swear they used a similar one for Farmir's Rangers). I'm using Soviet Green on his gives it a softer and warmer look...and it looks like it would be awfully snuggly. His tunic got a coat of Ceramcoat Spice Brown mixed with Apple Barrel Barn Red...I think I highlighted it by simply adding white. I sort of did a shaded basecoat approach and pained the recessed areas darker.

For his fleshtone, I mixed a little Testor's Skin Tone Warm Tint in with my usual custom mix to give a ruddier complexion. If you were a fan of Polly S fantasy paints, the Testor's ones use the same formulations and dry with a similar finish. I for one used a lot of Polly S in the 90s...and their black primer is still the best.

I'm planning on going sort of Bruce Campbell with I'm going to keep him clean shaven to really emphasize that chin. I'll also give him a little gray hair on the sides...he's the big beefy hero type for my warband and that will get across the whole "grizzled veteran" thing.

I based him on a Wargames Factory flat plastic base. They are about the right size and style if you want to mix in some prepainted D&D models (or the Pathfinder ones...not judging). I also like them as it places your character a little more in his environment.

Stay tuned this week as I attempt to finish him up and start on one of his companions (or a Vor model...I primed a bunch of stuff and I have a terrible attention span).

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