Monday, January 1, 2018

It's a New Year... or something... or whatever...

I haven't really posted much on my blog for the past 14 months. Haven't really had much in the way of thoughts on the hobby that couldn't be expressed in a short post on Facebook. But as I've been gradually "getting my shit back together" over the last few months... actual blog worthy posts have begun to percolate once again. 

Some good things happened in 2017:
  • Diane's renewed interest in collecting 40k models. Her enthusiasm for collecting Space Marines has given my enthusiasm for the entire hobby a real kick in the ass again.
  • Kickstarter stuff came in. Bones III and Impact's Oldhammer Dwarves & Goblins specifically. I got my Star Saga stuff in too... but that whole KS left a lot to be desired.
  • CMoN's big end of year sale. Gave me a chance to load up on cute animal D&D models as well as a chance to get the Sedition Wars box set cheap.
  • Citadel Painting App. If you use GW's paints, this thing is awesome.
To be sure, there were other good things about 2017... but these are the big ones that stick out in my mind.

Going forward into 2018, I've set some hobby goals for the year. Unlike other years, I've tried to keep things a bit more realistic and achievable. 
  • Death Guard Army for Armies on Parade. Doesn't have to be a huge force... and I'm probably gonna go bare minimum with a Patrol sized formation. Got all the stuff bought... just need to paint it and keep my focus on the end goal.
  • De-clutter the hobby room and "the collection". Started out strong on this front a few months back... just need to finish getting rid of stuff and reorganizing the stuff I'm keeping.
  • Speed up the painting process. Mainly things like painting multiple troop models instead of just one at a time. To be fair, I have a lot of character type models as well... so no idea how to speed those up.
  • Blog posts that are more than just painting WiPs. This is probably going to be the tough one... but this is the year to put forth some more effort on the blog.
  • Hit 75+ minis painted this year. With the focus on painting multiple troop models at the same time, this is possible... hence the plus. Fair chance some of these will be Death Guard models, but I'm sure quite a few will end up being skeletons (as I can paint tons of those over a short amount of time... in theory...).
That's it. Five goals which are within reach with a bit of effort and focus. Will I get all 5 crossed off? Maybe. I'd be happy if I could cross 3 out of 5 off the list... as that would be an improvement over the last few years.

I'll probably post again this coming weekend with all the models I completed during my time off. Fair warning, not as many as I'd hoped but still a reasonable amount.