Monday, December 31, 2018

Plots and Plans for 2019... aka looking ahead to the next year...

Yep, it's the first of a new year, thus I have to prattle on about utter bullshit involving good intentions and possible projects. Every year I make a grand list of shit I want to get done, and I maybe get about a third if not less actually done. So this year, fuck that.

My grand plan for 2019? Focus on skirmish level stuff and not think even about grand armies or major painting projects. It's always nice to fantasize about entering one of those fancy contests... but lets face it, I'm not going to be jetting my way to the UK or Europe any time soon. No, this year... focus on the smaller stuff. Actually finish a gang, a warband, or whatever.

So I will be focusing on models from or compatible with:

  • Blackstone Fortress
  • Silver Tower
  • Shadespire/Nightvault
  • Necromunda
  • Kill Team (includes Rogue Trader)
  • Frostgrave
  • Star Saga
  • Assorted other games (Zombicide, SDE, Imperial Assault, etc).
I know I won't finish ALL the models for any of those games... but I can at least finish something playable for one or more of those games. None of them require a huge number of models to be completed for playing. I spent 2018 building up my speed and technique... so this year I take that and use it to actually get some specific stuff done.

The other part of my grand plan is to stay away from purchasing any more models. There will of course be a couple of exceptions here and there... but definitely not on the scale of the purchasing I did in 2017 and 2018. Definitely no more Kickstarters... I got stuff coming in for Bones IV, Xenocide, and the D&D doggies... and that is gonna be it for a while.

Oh... and one more part of my grand plan... pretty much dumping Chronopia, Warzone, Epic 40k, Spacefleet Gothic, and Warmaster (the latter two are going to Ebay as people actually want those). All of those have been sitting in a box for the past 19 - 20 years or so... they gotta go.

Currently reviewing earlier seasons of Zombicide... more or less going to paint the survivors from S1 and maybe 3 each of the zombies... and can the rest. Between all the stuff I got for S2 and S3... and Walk of the Dead 2... I really don't need that many "regular" zombies (and any duplicate survivors are going to get used for Last Days).

Not nearly as "out there" as my usual New Year goals. Basically, Keep On Keeping On and Get Rid of Some Stuff.