Monday, March 18, 2013

Got some more time to work on the Tethru dude. For this update, I've painted the trim on his robe as well as added some additional shading to his robe. The black area on the front needs some highlighting and then it will get a few Egyptian hieroglyphs added. I've basecoated the black marble atop the staff and basecoated the staff with a dark brown....although I'm contemplating using the purple for the staff...still don't know what I'll do yet.

The model has been mounted on a round slottabase rather than a square one. I'm kinda burned out on the whole square base thing on fantasy minis....I'm not painting it for play but for show (maybe for D&D as well) ranking up is not a concern. I used Locktite gel to mount the model....kinda tired of using the 2 part epoxy approach.

The next steps will be to finish up the hands and feet, finish up the details, add the freehand, paint the black marble, and a little flock....

Hoping to be done and have a "glamour shots" version up by Tuesday. I don't know if I'll bother posting this one on last couple of efforts have not exactly been high scorers.

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