Saturday, October 6, 2012

Back to painting this week....

After a three month crunch of graphic design and illustration work, I have some breathing room once again to do some serious painting as well as some serious reflection on my painting work ethic over the last few months (I'll be covering that in a later entry).

Projects in progress (or at least ones I have a photo of): 

The one to the left is a crewman for an old Empire Mortar from 1992.This is before they started mounting the mortars on wagons, so it is a "static" mortar emplacement. The models of the crew were sculpted by Alan Perry while the mortar itself is a Norman Swales sculpt.

Also on the bench this week...until I pitch it into the Pine a Sci Fi soldier type from Reaper Miniatures. I like the sculpt, but I'm not happy with my color scheme. Not enough contrast between the cloth and armore I think.

There will be a more in depth post on Sunday with some finished shots of the Mortar Crewman. Please bear with me while I get my painting back up to speed.

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