Hello again and thanks for joining me for this week's workbench update.
As you can see from the photo I have a few figures in progress. Some are a little further along than others, but trust me progress is being made. As I've mentioned in previous posts, my skills had gotten rusty due to not really having a lot of time to devote to my painting, but they are coming back.
The first thing I'd like to point out are the two skeletal dwarfs primered black at the bottom of the image. These are Chronopia models and they are from the Devout army collection. A friend gave me a bunch of these little guys which I am painting up for my D&D collection. The two you see here are going to be for my commission painting rates page. One will show my Level One and Level Two paint jobs. And just so we are on the same page, my Level One is pretty good looking as it's the standard I paint my Old Glory and Westwind Models to. I had thought of doing just the basecoat and wash Level One, but I figure you can get that anywhere and

I'd much rather focus on the higher end stuff. My Level Two is standard which I paint my troop models to. To give you a rough idea of what that looks like, see the image below.

I actually paint about 80% of my models to this standard as I like to save the really time consuming painting for the really detailed models like commanders, heroes, and personalities. It'll be much clearer once I get the samples painted up and do up a nice diagram.
Back to the workbench update. The mostly nude lady is from Kabuki Models and is from their Dark Prophecy line. This model is getting a really detailed paint job (some sites call it a display or showcase level). When you look at all the detail on her, you'll understand why. She'll be getting black hair and a bone white tunic which I will attempt to paint as sheer silk. Her armor bits will get a nice greenish blue color with gold trim and details. She also has a silver chain that wraps around her body from the top of her head to the bottoms of her feet. This particular feature has me thinking of trying NMM again as the detail is really fine and I worry metallics will clog up them up. At the moment, her fleshtones are about halfway done. I still have several more highlighting passes to make before I'm ready to move onto the next area.

The final subject tonight is the Imperial Sergeant. As you can see, he is about 75% done. Right now he only needs the black areas shaded, his paints highlighted, his boots highlighted, and the metallics added. Sounds like a lot to do, but trust me it isn't. I'm hoping to finish him this weekend and model a nice urban combat styled base for him. All part of my "modernize" the Warzone paint schemes from the 90s. If Prince August wants to make this a brand that sells like it once did, they really need to modernize the look of the models and updating the paint jobs is much cheaper than sculpting new models.
Well, that does it for this week's workbench update. I'll be posting progress shots throughout the weekend and maybe get around to my plastics article.
Good night!
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