Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm sorry I've neglected you blog.

One of my few resolutions for the New Year has already sort of fizzled. Daily updating for my blog was going fine until Day 3 hit and I had nothing to post. Sad thing is I've actually started several miniatures in the last seven days, but each one seems to hit a point where I notice a gigantic flaw in the color scheme that just seems to bring the whole process to a screeching halt.

I hate to say it but I may have hit some sort of "painter's block" or something along those lines. And while it is a minor setback, it isn't my first "painter's block" and I can guarantee it won't be the last. With that in mind I am going back to something a little more basic to get my painting mojo flowing once more.

I've decided to break out one of my Warzone models from one of the "storage bins of no return" and paint him up in the factory color scheme. Why? With the color scheme pretty much set by the manufacturer, it frees me up to focus on technique. Much like anything else in life, when you take extended breaks from painting like I have you get a little rusty. Granted, my Photoshop-fu is back to what it used to be and my Graphic Design mojo has returned but my painting skills have suffered for it.

This warzone model is what my old boss called an "easy kill" or "low hanging fruit". It is a model that I should be able to knock out quickly and get my confidence on the rise (thanks Rich). I will then paint another model a little more complicated on the next pass and continue this approach until I'm once again at top form (and hopefully that's pretty quick as I have a commission coming in next week).

Once I have some in progress shots, I'll post them here on the blog. In addition, I am planning to start posting some of my in progress shots of my Killing Floor level that I am constructing (and perhaps once the video game version is done I'll construct a 28mm scale version for zombie apocalypse wargaming).

Good night everyone. I apologize for not having any exciting content updates this time out, but bear with me and I promise you won't be disappointed when I do post the finished shots.


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