I have been neglecting you internet and for that I must apologize. Been busy restoring some old books to their former glory and making frequent visits to the Department of Labor. But I did manage to get a little bit of painting in this week.

First up is a Devout Risen for Chronopia. His skull was basecoated with Ceramcoat Sandstone mixed with Ceramcoat Charcoal Gray. I gradually added more and more Sandstone to the mix and then a small bit of white for the final highlight. I then glazed over it with slightly darker shade of the basecoat. It was kind of odd to wash and glaze with a gray tone rather than a dark brown. However, I really think it really makes the skull really pop.
His armor was basecoated with Citadel Boltgun Metal which was washed with Dark Burnt Umber mixed with a little Black. I built the color back up by adding small amounts of Mithril Silver to the Boltgun metal. Once that had dried, I stippled on Ceramcoat Burnt Sienna to give the metal a rusted look. The gold areas were first basecoated with a mix of Ceramcoat Autumn Brown and Charcoal Gray. Once that had dried, I applied Apple Barrel Pure Gold which was highlighted with Mithril Silver. I've got the next couple of areas I intend to tackle blocked in hopefully can knock through them this weekend.
I'll be painting up the other three Risen from the blister pack as well and selling them on Ebay. So if you are a Chronopia player, check back in a week or so for some "glamour" shots of the four of them along with a link to the auction.

Next fellow up here is Orin Ramhelm from Reaper. This is the P-65 version of him and it will the second version of this dwarf I will paint. While I'll be keeping some of my earlier color scheme, I will be incorporating some new colors and techniques to really make this model shine. It is still one of my favorite Jason Weibe sculpts to date and he isn't too "Warhammery".
I'm strongly thinking about doing a glow effect on the runes and keeping the weathering to a minimum. I won't remove weathering altogether, but I will keep it to a point where it just looks like wear and tear.
Yes, he is on his original sculpted base. The first version I painted was removed from his sculpted base, but as I said I wanted to do things differently on this model. Honestly, the sculpted base looks better than anything I'd put together for a custom base and since a lot of the fantasy RPGs out there use grid maps rather than wargame style measuring, the base really isn't an issue.
Not pictured on this update are my Imperial Regulars Sergeant for Warzone which there hasn't been too much progress on. The Medusa model from Kabuki is in the Pinesol as the reasons why I shouldn't have primered her white became very apparent.
So that is all for today's entry. Sorry it wasn't my usual rant about some facet of the miniature painting/modeling hobby but I promise I will write one very soon. Keep checking back as I will be posting some in progress photos of me painting my very first miniature from Scibor's Monstrous Miniatures. It is also my first foray into the wild world of resin models so wish me luck.
Later Alligator,