Well for one, this year I intend to complete more than 12 minis. Yes, that's all I painted last year. Between some long hours at work, long hours searching for a house, long hours moving into the house, the loss of my best friend, and the random other stuff that always seems to come up... I got almost nothing done. But to refresh your memory, these are the greatest hits of 2010.
Yeah..we all remember Zombie Hitler.

And his friend the leprechaun...

And some others that I posted now and again...

Yeah...Catachan guy is in dire need of glamour shots. There are some more, but they are a couple of entries down on the blog, so you can just scroll down a bit and see them. But long story short, this is it. A lot of started projects that got horribly derailed by events so crappy and random it would make your head explode. But its time to put that behind me and forage ahead to miniature painting glory. And so I present my painting resolutions for 2011 in no real order of importance:
1. TO PAINT MORE THAN 12 MINIS THIS YEAR! Already covered the story on that.
2. Set up a permanent photo area in the garage rather than using an improvised one on my desk. This is a biggun. I have always taken pride in my photography skillz when it comes to my minis. However, with the addition of my new desk in 08, I lost my photography set up and have had to make due. Time to make that garage into something more than a large storage room.
3. Return to my former glory. Back in the day, I used to write painting articles (how tos, step by steps, painting philosophy, etc), post on several forums, do tons of commision work and make decent $$$ on Ebay. Now, I occasionally go to several artists' sites, but that's about it. Time to be more social with my hobby again and preach the gospel of mini painting.
4. Clean my desk more than twice a year.
5. Ween myself away from Ceramcoat as they changed their formula and it is shitty. Reaper Pro Paint is back out...and so is Partha's paint....time to reacquaint myself with some old friends.
6. Paint more independent and boutique minis. I have stuff from Hasslefree, Copplestone, Darkson, Olley's Armies, Wyrd, and Impact just sitting around. Time to primer some of those and let them get a priority spot in line ahead of whatever GW mini that I discovered I had.
7. Instruct the wife in my ways of Paint-fu so that she may paint her Blood Angels...even though the Blood Angels are inferior to the Dark Angels in every way.
8. Paint up a full squad of historicals for each historical line I have. I've got one Fallschirmjager done....and only 7 more to go to finish out his bag. My russians will take a tad longer as there are 20 of them.
9. NMM...Either master it or abandon it forever.
10. Get back up into the top 500 on CMON.
I think that's enough as it will take all year. Let's just hope I can manage to get to half of it.
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