Over the past couple of evenings, I've been working on this fella when I have had a spare moment. This is a goblin archer from Red Box Games and sculpted by Tre Manor. Like all of his minis, this one is really detailed and chocked full of little bits. Also, it is really, really tiny. The model itself is the size of a penny and makes the goblins from the LotR game look huge.
The only real gripe I have with the mini is the casting. Some rough surfaces on the flat areas aren't really visible until you paint over it. Had the same problem with a viking warrior model they did... he's going in the Pinesol this week so I can clean him off and then fix the worst of the imperfections.
I've opted to go with a classic Warhammer color scheme (although my fleshtone is much more desaturated than the models from the 90s were). This model also marks the first time I've used Reaper's Anti Shine additive as I used some of Badger's Minitaire paints for the purple. Without the addtive, those paints dry really glossy and shiny... and damn near impossible to knock the shine off of.
The model itself is about 90% done... just needs his legs painted and some of his equipment finished up... and maybe some of the tinier details picked out (claws, teeth, eyes).
The goblin is part of a big commission job I'm just getting started on. I have three more Red Box goblins to paint along with previously mentioned viking, a "ranger" styled mini, and what I think is a halfling archer (although it may not be a Red Box model).
In non commission painting news, I'm starting to put together an painting instructional for Zombicide models. I'm dividing them up between the various types and sets (Walkers from Season 1, Fatties from Season 3 and so on). I'm probably going to start with the Fatties from Season 1 and I'll be doing them up in the color scheme from the box set. Don't really know what format I'm going with... more than likely PDF as video would require Diane to sit there and film me painting. The painting style will be along the lines of the "Everyday Joe Guide to Painting Models that Don't Suck Ass" mentality.
Now I'm gonna go try and sleep for a few more hours... my sleep schedule has been screwed for the last two weeks and there is no sign of it improving any time soon.
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