- This year I will paint at least one full sprue of Empire and Ork models from my big Warhammer box set I got almost 14 years ago to a sort of Collector standard. That's just 16 plastic models that aren't that complicated…so I shouldn't have any problems (if only…).
- Vor models…do something with the models I have no intention of painting (aka Zhykee, Shard, and Growlers) and paint at least one or two of the models I do keep (Union, Neo Sov, and Pharon).
- Paint a Foundry model and not immediately shitcan it upon completion. I used to paint these things all the time, but now I try to get fancy with them and let's be honest…those models aren't for that sort of thing.
- All my Westwind Germans are going to my nephew. God knows he could use an activity that isn't watching TV or playing video games. Also, maybe it'll give my Mom fifteen minutes of quiet.
- Fantasy/D&D/Pathfinder/Warhammer RPG model collection…maybe paint some of those this year.
- One piece of display terrain. I'm thinking Sylvanian cemetery so my small amount of Undead stuff can have somewhere to stay.
- Mantic Plastics…I love Mantic but sweet jesus what am I going to do with 50 orcs. Easy, pull half out and give the other half away. Zombies and Ghouls are staying with me.
- Dead By Dawn…write it, do art for it, paint some models for it…something.
- Continue to thin out the miniature collection to only the finest models. I predict horrible casualties in my Reaper collection (particularly Warlord and Chronoscape).
- Give Ken all the metal stuff I don't plan to paint so he can melt them down.
- Maybe use some of the other 200 colors of paint I have instead of just Red, Bone White and Black.
- Maybe get the website back up.
- Rebuild CMoN rating back up and not rely on past glory. Yep, starting back at the bottom and going to claw my way up again. All new models…so I have to get off my ass and work again.
- Enter Crystal Brush.
- Paint in the nude or at most a stylish thong and rain bonnet.
So there you have it. Fifteen things (and that's only for miniature painting) to do this year. If I buckle down, stop watching so much TV and playing so many video games…I think I can pull this off.
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