Picked up the paintbrushes for a bit tonight to paint some 28mm models before I jumped back on the big Space Marine looking guy. He's almost done, but I just needed to paint something for me tonight. The fellow to the right is an Devout Dwarf Skeleton for Chronopia. I had painted this model as an example of what I consider my "Army Display Standard" for commission rates. He's still not quite complete as I need to flock his base and slap some Dullcote on him. I am really happy with the weathering on him, especially on his sword...really gets across the "been dead for a while" feel I was going for. I still have the other three guys from his blister pack to paint and then I'll be taking a "glamour shots" type photo of them that will be on the new Paintshop website once it goes live.
In historical news, there is this guy. If I haven't said how much I dislike Wargames Factory's models recently, allow me to remedy that. They are the Old Glory of plastic models. Their only saving grace is their price (which is also Old Glory's saving grace, but that is for another day). This is what I consider my "Gaming Standard" painting level for models....although I'm rethinking the eyes as it kinda just highlights how crummy the sculpt is. If you are wondering, I charge roughly 5 bucks per model to paint to this standard (not including assembly as they have a lot of little fiddly parts). Doesn't sound like much, but I can paint 5 or more of these a day (if not more).
That sums up tonight's Workbench Update. I'm getting ready to work on my first painting instructional in a few years...trying to figure out if I want to cover undead flesh or orc flesh. These will be formatted 11x8.5 so that I can fit it all one one page and so you won't have to scroll down to read it all.
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