She's part of my Modern/Zombie Apocalypse collection and brings the count on those models up to a breathtaking 3 models. Yes, I really need to focus on that particular collection as it isn't exactly growing like a weed. Seriously, 3 models in 3 years is not a great ratio.
So for the particulars of the model...she is part of a 6 pack of SWAT officers from Foundry. I actually bought that pack about 10 years ago....and that should give you an indication of my painting backlog. She was base coated with Testor's Flat Black and then highlighted with a mixture of Ceramcoat Charcoal Gray and Ceramcoat Wedgewood Blue. I built up the highlights by simply adding white to the mixture...I think I used Vallejo white simply for the dropper.
The gas mask and the other areas that would have more of a "slick" or "latex" look were highlighted with a mixture of Ceramcoat Payne's Gray and Ceramcoat Wedgewood Blue...which I built up by simply adding more Wedgewood Blue. I never went full on Wedgewood Blue, but that is a matter of personal preference as I prefer a more subtle final highlight.
The green pouches were basecoated with a mixture of Catachan Green and Ceramcoat Charcoal Gray...and the highlight was built up by adding Ceramcoat Quaker Gray which let me achieve a faded color effect.
The lens of her mask was first basecoated with Tausept Ochre and then I shaded (or I think it's degraded) the color with Reaper Saffron Sunset. I added more and more Saffron Sunset to the mixture until I had an almost pure Saffron Sunset.
The base is a standard 30mm lipped base from Privateer Press. I have Reaper lipped bases as well, but the didn't have enough room for all the details I wanted to add on. The recessed area of the base was filled with Milliput and sculpted to resemble a concrete slab with a seam down the middle. I then added some various plastic bits to give a ruined urban look.

Next one up is my Night Goblin Archer from the Battle For Skull Pass box set.
I've posted a couple of photos of him over the summer, but I finally had a chance to take a nice photo of him only recently. For the record, he is a prototype for the rest of my collection....I needed to try out the color scheme and see how it looked before I committed the rest of my army to this particular look.
For the particulars of the model...he was first base coated with Krylon Gray Spray Primer. I didn't want to use black right off the bat as I didn't want to restrict my palette to dark colors only. Yes, we all know those are the colors I'd go back to, but I didn't want to have to go back to them.
The flesh was base coated with a mixture of Gnarloc Green (yes that is a green, don't believe GW's swatches for that one) and Ceramcoat Charcoal Gray. The flesh was then highlighted with pure Gnarloc Green and built up with Ceramcoat Sandstone. This allowed the flesh to not go too yellow or jaundiced. Once the highlighting was complete, I layered on a thin glaze of Privateer Khardic Flesh to the nose and lip areas. I built up the Khardic Flesh gradually until the tip of the nose was completely Khardic Flesh.
The cloak was base coated with Vallejo Black and then highlighted with Charcoal Gray and built it up by adding small amounts of Quaker Gray. I applied many glazes of black to tone down the highlights and help it blend better. Once dry, I freehanded on some red triangles...which was inspired by Jackob Nielsen's Goblin Army.
The bow and leather was base coated with Calthan Brown and then highlighted by adding small amounts of Ceramcoat Sandstone to the mixture. The reds were highlighted by adding Saffron Sunset to Ceramcoat Bright Red.

And finally, Rosie the Chronotech from Reaper Miniatures.
This particular mini was painted waaaaaay back in 2007 and honestly, I couldn't tell you what particular colors were used. I do know that one day I'd like to take another crack at painting her....if nothing else just so I can fix the flesh blends.
And so ends another photo update from me.
Please feel free to go and vote on my models in my Coolminiornot.com gallery. And if you feel up to it, why not leave a comment or two.
I am available for commissions both private or commercial. If that peaks your interest, feel free to message me on Coolminiornot or leave a message in the comments section on the blog....I'd put my email address up but I just finally got all the spam back under control.
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