This is my new custom base I built over the last couple of nights. And by past couple of nights...I mean 30 minutes here...30 minutes there.
The base itself is a 40mm Warmachine base. This is actually my preferred size of these types of bases as it allows you to really go crazy with the detailing AND it will work for 28mm single models and some of the larger models out there (a SM termie or an Ork Nob would fit on these no problem). Another reason I like these is that a 1.25 washer fits neatly into the recessed area on the base....and that means I have a solid metal template to work from when building the base up.
The raised "concrete" area you see is nothing more than foamcore. I mounted it to a 1.25 washer with sticky tac and proceeded to cut and sand the edges to make them smooth and round. I then mounted the foamcore to the plastic base using Aileen's Tacky Glue. I then sealed the foamcore with a mixture of Durham's Water Putty, Elmer's Glue, and of course water. I made sure it was thin so it would self level when it dried. I covered the entirity of the foamcore with it... which resulted in something that looks like concrete and has a rock hard protective shell so the foamcore won't dissolve when I primer it.
Once I added some bits and skulls from my bits box, I simply primered it with Krylon Grey Primer and now here it sits ready to be painted.
And just what is going to be mounted on this base?

Yep...him. And if you don't recognize what he is...perhaps this will help.

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