Or as I like to call him Porkchop Kojak. Back in 04 I painted him and about 20 other Exalted minis for demo games at Gen Con....in a period of three months. That's pretty rapid fire for me to say the least. And while I did get paid for this large commission, I just never really liked the way the paintjobs turned out. I wasn't being overly perfectionist about it...I didn't get to lavish each model with the love and attention I usually give all my works. No real shading or blending...almost cartoony and cell-shaded when I think about it.
See for yourself, he's the one on the left. Just shitty, shitty, shitty. And after about 7 years of use and abuse around the office, I figured he and his companions were due for a face lift....or a complete strip down to the metal and start all over again.

Behold, the improved Chejop. He's maybe about 20 % done, but he is already head and shoulders above the old one. For starters, I removed his molded on base. Nothing wrong with the old one...it just sucked for gaming...didn't really keep the mini upright. So he'll be getting a nice 30mm lipped base with gravel and flock. Yeah...sort of going with the "popular" base, but honestly they look cool and give a ton of support.
You'll also notice, I based white...for the first time in at least 10 years. Still adding some "fake" shadow in in some areas with diluted black, but still...it's over white this time. I also stuck with a blue-gray to white color scheme. Still haven't decided yet if I am doing the NMM thing with him yet...probably not as I have used the color I use for steel on part of his tunic.
I'm hoping to be 50% along on the next photo.
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