Three of the ones I finished since April. The halfling I finished before we moved and the other two after we moved.

This happening fella is a Future Warriors Scavenger from Grenadier. What really sucks is that in the brief time I worked at a hobby distributor, I bought about 90% of the line (one of each)....and then I gave a bunch of them away to friends. My thinking was "I'll never play the game anyway". Of course now I just want them to paint them as they were all really fantastic models.
FYI...Bobby Jackson did some models for Grenadier for the K-Force line which was a continuation of the Future Warriors line but with a new sculptor. Those would become the first of Demonblade's Battle Nuns and a couple of their mutant dudes...and I think some of their Space Orgs.
But back to this dude. I'm not as happy with him as I should be. I don't know if its the camo pattern that didn't turn out as well as I'd planned or the finish the Dullcote gave him. It was an old can and sometimes you get crummy results with almost empty ones.
It does tell me I still need some practice to get back up to my usual standard though.
Next up is Sister Maria from Reapers Chronoscope line. She's part of sort of

modern day Zombie Hunter/Paranormal Investigator/Modern Cthulhu collection. Although personally, its more a collection inspired by Hunter the Vigil...for which I was the art director and designer before I left the publishing business and got into video games. Part of the whole theme of the line was every day joe schmoes kicking monster ass... along with good old fashioned survival horror.... still my favorite out of all the lines I've worked on.
As you can see, I went with the classic black and white and I chose the .357 Magnum hand rather than the ruler hand. (Let's face it, .357 Magnum beats ruler in the Zombie hunting/Cthulhu Investigating/Paranormal Observing world.) For her fleshtone, I used some old Heartbreaker paints for Warzone...the particular color being Graveton Tan mixed with a tiny bit of Wolfbane Leather. I built it up by adding small amounts of Ceramcoat Sandstone to the mix. I did a wash every now and then of Graveton Tan to blend the layers together.
For the black, I did shade that with Charcoal rather than Payne's Gray. Wanted to try something different.
Final entry for tonight is a Halfling Adventure from Copplestone Castings.

I bought a pack of six of these guys back in 02. After painting the GW Fellowship set, I got kinda burned out on realistic halfings.... I grew up with the Ralph Bakshi Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and really liked the cartoony look the halflings had...although Aragorn looks horrible in those movies. Seriously, mini skirt and boots on the manliest man in Middle Earth. Anyway, Mark Copplestone had done up some halflings more in the vein of the Bakshi versions and so I had to get them. This little guy sort of reminded me of a Samwise and so I went in that direction with him although I went with reddish hair instead of reddish brown. All the colors are subdued earthtones most of which were built up with Ceramcoat Sandstone. In case you are wondering, its sort of like Bone White mixed with Gray and it works great for making highlights on earthtones.
I've got the other 5 on the table now all primered and in various stages of completion upon which they will join the rest of my growing "Generic Fantasy/D&D" mini collection.
Thanks for reading and stop back by next week to see what other shennanigans I'm up to....or not... it depends on if I get Halo Reach.
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