Well, it's that time of the week again...workbench update!
First up this an old favorite, the Scibor Sci Fi Knight (or Black Templar Chapter Master). After three months the main body of the model is done. Now all that is left are the accessories...a power sword, a lightning shield, and some various heraldry/shield doodads. Right now, I have the shield mounted on a pin and stuck to an old Exacto knife handle and once that is done the sword will follow. I still have to drill a pin hole for the sword into the hand, but that should be a simple matter.
I still stand by my statement that the detail on these models is a bit much. The crosses on his shin guards are little more than raised ridges on the armor and hellaciously difficult to paint up nicely. I actually had to line in dark burnt umber into the recessed areas to get more definition. I would really like to see some more definition to the detail and possibly less of it. There is a fine line between richly detailed and gawdy.

The next guy on the bench is a classic GW Thief model from Talisman. Much like the GW models of the 80s, he has some really cartoonish proportions when you compare it models from Ral Partha and Grenadier from that time. I really like the model as it has real character to it which a lot of models from that time did not. Plus, he's a great break from the ultra detailed models in my commission queue (I have two models from Kabuki, an unknown demoness, and two GW models to go on it).
This model, I'm trying to keep the color scheme to 2-3 colors with the fleshtone as the accent color. It is a real simple model and I think overdoing it would ruin the look and feel of the model. I did do the pink nose/5 o'clock shadow treament on the face. I couldn't help it as it really reminded me of some of Rackham's models for Confrontation (which I also have a ton of to paint).
I looked to see if I had an old plastic hexbase to mount him on to give him that true classic Talisman feel, but I can't find a one in my giant stash of plastic bases. More than likely, he'll end up on a 20mm round slottabase. As he will eventually be an auction model, I want to make sure his base is universal for any sort of RPG/boardgame.
That is all for tonight's installment. Check back regularly throughout the week as I'm sure I'll be posting other random tidbits. And if you like the blog, tell your friends about it...always more room for more viewers.